Podiatrist, 20 years experience in traditional insoles and thermoforming

"Finally a real time saver!"

Since when do you use the ScientiFeet solution?

I have personally used the ScientiFeet solution since June 2017.

What technique (s) did you use before?

Before using the solution ScientiFeet I worked a lot with more traditional solutions and also manufacturing solutions of orthopedic insoles in thermoforming.

The arguments of the switch to the solution ScientiFeet?

We find the same elements of correction but integrated from the manufacture, gain of weight, almost more glue, one has a numerical indication of the correction, the soleplate is reproducible to the identical and finally a real time saver!

What are the results of the points you were skeptical about before you started?

In general the first remark to the fitting: “it’s comfortable!” almost every pair!

Would you recommend ScientiFeet?

Yes! And I look forward to some more recoveries especially for the children.

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